On this RFC Extra, the crew discuss what Masterpiece toys are left? Has everything been covered? Of course not!
RFC Extra 032: What Masterpiece Toys Come Next?
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
On this RFC Extra, the crew discuss what Masterpiece toys are left? Has everything been covered? Of course not!
By Brian Kilby
This week on RFC – Extra: Diecast and Anthony just got back from Toy Fair 2017 and they’ve provided audio from the Hasbro Q&A which occurred after the product presentation Saturday! Questions were fielded by the Transformers design team from various fan sites in attendance.
By Brian Kilby
This is the podcast version of our 8th Annual Toy Fair Sunday Live Stream! This is the podcast version of our 8th Annual Toy Fair Sunday Live Stream! Our Toy Fair 2017 Sunday live stream! We’re talking everything that’s NOT Transformers, and Transformers too. At roughly the two hour mark we are joined by Anthony…
By Brian Kilby
This week on RFC – Extra: Brian, John and Diecast get together to talk about the Last Knight trailer that debuted during the Super Bowl!
By Brian Kilby
On this special RFC Extra: There’s no regular show this week, so those of us available get together to discuss some recent news items and topics we’ve had on our minds. The guys weigh in on the HasCon versus TFCon dilemma. A conversation about the upcoming third party Omega Supreme (which is sold in two…
By Brian Kilby
On this episode of RFC Extra: Our friend Anthony Brucale from TFU.info brings back his classic RFC segment Destroy, Erase, Improve and interviews Ben Montano, Luis de Armas, Sean Carmine Isabella and John Warden from Hasbro. Check out the text interview and Anthony’s photos from the event here!
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
On this episode of RFC Extra we present the Transformers panel from Joelanta 2016, the topic of discussion is the current Transformers product with a focus on Titans Return and Combiner Wars. Thanks to Joelanta and everyone who turned out for the panel. Check out: Joelanta Please Save Me Robots / Roboplastic Apocalypse Rob Reviews…
By ExVee
On this RFC Extra, ExVee, Rob Clay, and Diecast discuss a recent e-mail from Fun Publications indicating their parting ways with Hasbro. What might a fan club and convention be in the future, and what affect does this have outside of Transformers?
By Brian Kilby
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