This week: Botbots release date CONFIRMED, finally! Also: Galvatron deco change, initial thoughts on the Joe/Transformers crossover, and more!
Transform Squadron 023 – War For Walmart
Rob’s back for this August of 2020 edition talking about Siege on Netflix, and toys he wants at Walmart. Transformers, GIJOE, He-Man, and kaiju are all discussed as well as the incoming Halloween season. Also sneezing cats!
Toy Fair 2020 Live Stream Podcast
Check out the recording of our Toy Fair 2020 live stream! Thanks to everyone who participated and watched along! The Hasbro presentation was nearly two and a half hours this year. You all are troopers!
Being Awesome with Rob Springer 125 – Liberatrix
As Robots In Disguise (not that one, this one) winds down Rob looks back at show he enjoyed quite a lot (A Transformers fan who continually likes Transformers, who’d thunk it?). Q&A wants to know about the IDW shared universe, so uh… Rob shares his thoughts on it. p.s Zone Base is where it’s at…
Being Awesome 111: Nothing rhymes with 111
This week in awesome: Rob yammers for half a second about random stuff before doing a triple shot of that good Q&A. Can someone please call an Uber?
Radio Free Cybertron – 527: 2017 JD Church Memorial Episode
This week on Radio Free Cybertron: It’s our 2017 JD Church Memorial Episode! This is the episode where we touch on what a great human being, friend, and co-host was JD Church. You will be missed! Also on the show we talk about the recent passing of Wally Burr, who is as responsible for the…
The RFC Mini-cast – 066: SDCC Revolution!
John and Don discuss the breaking news: Hasbro reveals its SDCC Revolution Boxed Set!
G.I. Joe Cobra Missile Command Headquarters
G.I. Joe Cobra Missile Command Headquarters (Ages 5 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/Available at Booth #3329 at Comic-Con International in San Diego) Cobraaaa! One of the rarest of all G.I. Joe playsets is back! The G.I. Joe Cobra Missile Command Headquarters, this convention exclusive is a faithful reproduction of the original and iconic Cobra…