Halloween is here and there’s no better time to talk about ZOMBIES! Optimus and the gang have dealt with the living dead on more than one occasion and Rob’s here to talk about it. Also a look at the upcoming Transformers Wild King line because it’s awesome. Trick or Treat!
Transform Squadron 049 – Devil Invaders Crush
It’s the spookiest time of the year! McBoo Buckets, Transformers EarthSpark Expedition, and a look at the Monster Gobots are on the menu for this year’s Halloween edition of Transform Squadron!
Transform Squadron 038 – Tryptophan X
Happy Thanksgiving! While observing turkey day, Rob takes time to reflect on the holiday. Wake up from your food coma… or maybe fall asleep while listening to this transmission from Zone Base!
Transform Squadron 010 – Apex Unit
Rob talks Godzilla, Microman, Five Points Festival, Rangerstop and Transformers keshi in this June 2019 edition of the show.