It was a completely failed podcast; there was LordTaco. Also Star Trek Discovery, The Orville, and some episode of TNG. It’s probably referenced in the title of the podcast, I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “The Icarus Factor”
It’s Riker Daddy Issues: The Episode on TNG’s The Icarus Factor, featuring Generic 80s Sitcom Dad Actor in the role of Kyle Riker. Despite having all the screen presence of cardboard, he’s actually the most charismatic, popular, and interesting man of the 24th century! Honest! And did we mention John Tesh is in this episode?…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Sub Rosa”
Sub Rosa is an extremely deep, complex, and meaningful episode of TNG’s seventh season. Actually, that’s a complete lie and it’s more like the closest thing to softcore porn that they could get away with on first run syndication in 1993, interspersed with odd interludes about Planet Scotland. All that, plus we’re joined by Scott’s…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Move Along Home”
Deep Space Nine season 1 rolls for initiative, but ends up with the dullest D&D campaign ever with Quark as the DM. Meanwhile, Odo is pretty sure the new Starfleet security officer just isn’t going to work out. All that on “Move Along Home”, this week on TOEOST! WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Mortal Coil”
This could legitimately be the best episode of Star Trek Voyager of them all. And all it took to get there was killing Neelix. Funny how these things work out, isn’t it? WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “A Matter of Time”
Find out what amazing thing happened to HeyMickey during the show’s week off, before we get started on our episode of the week, A Matter of Time from Star Trek The Next Generation. But you might recall it more clearly as “that time Matt Frewer came to visit.” WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “If Wishes Were Horses”
If wishes were horses, we’d all be knee-deep in SHT. Or Deep Space Nine Season 1, from which we watch the episode entitled “If Wishes Were Horse”. Remember that one, where Rumplestiltskin trolls O’Brien for most of the show? And yet somehow the least believable thing this episode is the technobabble. WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “The Royale”
It was a dark and stormy night. The planet was nasty – 72 billion years old, colder than absolute zero, and as black as an unlit soundstage. But in the distance is a brightness, a haven from the void. It’s the lone revolving door that takes you to… The Royale. WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Living Witness”
Living Witness – that episode with Voyager’s Doctor 700 years in the future inadvertently starting a race war – is a potentially really interesting story concept. Sadly Voyager as per usual puts about 37 minutes of it to waste before getting to the really good part and is stuck with a cop-out ending. WARNING: Explicit…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “11001001”
The Enterprise puts in to a Starbase for scheduled maintenance, and so we get A Day In The Life on the Enterprise. Until the guest aliens of the week steal it. Oops! WARNING: Explicit language