Wesley Crusher returns to save the Enterprise from the VR STD Riker picked up on Risa, in TNG’s “The Game”. All this, and a Klingon bidet, too! WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “The Savage Curtain”
The Enterprise meets Abraham Lincoln! This sounds like the set up for a fantastic, entertaining episode, right? We thought so. Boy were we wrong. But at least HeyMickey had a chance to talk about his Star Trek Bridge Crew experience. WARNING: Explicit language
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Skin of Evil”
It’s a very special 75th episode of That One Episode of Star Trek, as we discuss the dramatic, emotional, incredibly moving and heroic death of Tasha Yar in Skin of Evil. And for an episode of such monumental seriousness, we of course had to invite Lord Taco (aka Bus) back, and bring Ken in from…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “The Paradise Syndrome”
This week, discussion about the teaser for Star Trek Discovery, ExVee’s newly-obtained Star Trek Voyager early production materials, and our episode is The Paradise Syndrome from TOS season 3. That’s the one where Kirk becomes god of a tribe of Native Americans. WARNING: Explicit language From the minds that brought you Superhero Time, the internet’s…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “Devil’s Due”
This week we watch that TNG episode where the Enterprise crew meets Rita Repulsa, because after a thousand years she’s free, and it’s time to conquer Ventax II! Plus we have a quick conversation about Klingons in civillian jobs. WARNING: Explicit language From the minds that brought you Superhero Time, the internet’s most offensive podcast…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “The TAS Finale!”
It’s been a long road, getting from there to here. But we’ve finally done it! We’ve podcasted about the entirety of Star Trek The Animated Series, as we talk this week about How Sharper Than A Serpent’s Tooth, and The Counterclock Incident, the final two episodes of TAS. Plus, we do our quarterly catch-up with…
Superhero Time Presents: That One Episode Of Star Trek “A Taste of Armageddon”
A Taste of Armageddon is notionally about a civilization that has made computerized war institutional. But I think we’re missing the real story about these people, with their names comprised of numbers, hat-based social order, and over-halves. Sadly, we may never get the real, whole story about this world. But it’s okay, because at least…
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