This Week in Awesome: Voltron, and oh hey, let’s Talk Transformers!
Being Awesome with Rob Springer – 051: Do You Talk Transformers?
By Rob Springer
By Rob Springer
By Rob Springer
This week in awesome: Rob’s back from Joelanta and shares his thoughts on it. Fun Pub, what Rob thinks could be done with GI JOE and Q&A about Dinobot Headmasters! Pork!
By Rob Springer
This week in awesome: Hot Rod wouldn’t give Molly Ringwald the time of day, until later when they kiss in the football field behind the BotCon hotel. Yo Joelanta! Come see the Transformers panel hosted by the RFC gang and Dusty! Don’t forget to bring your parachute troopers! Also, what would you like to see…
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