In this show: Fantastic Four Bumblebee Buffy: o_O Batman and Robin #11 Blackest Night And …Triplette and Brian ditch the show for Clash of the Titans
Fanboy Versus 007
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
In this show: Fantastic Four Bumblebee Buffy: o_O Batman and Robin #11 Blackest Night And …Triplette and Brian ditch the show for Clash of the Titans
By Brian Kilby
In this show: Siege #3 Kick-Ass Dark Avengers Please, Sentry. Die. More of this week’s comics And …the return of Ender!
By Brian Kilby
In this show: Iron Man 2 The Return of Bruce Wayne Darkwing Duck Kevin Smith This Week’s Comics And a lot more!
By Brian Kilby
In this show: McFeely brilliantly and bravely rants on Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #1 The guys argue about In the Chill of the Night the newest episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold which was written by Paul Dini The guys go over their comics of the last two weeks Lots more!
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
In this show: DC’s Blackest Night Why do they bother killing off comic characters anyway? They just come back. Toy Fair News This week’s comics Lots more!
By Brian Kilby
In this show: Marvel’s Siege Daredevil Gets a Reboot Smallville’s big JSA event This week’s comics A preview of next week’s show Lots more!
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