It’s a stock photos kind of news day.
TakaraTomy Mall has launched their preorder page for Movie Masterpiece Ratchet, complete with a fresh assortment of stock photos to show off the upcoming figure. MPM-11 ratchet is going to be a Target exclusive in the US later this year, and in Japan it looks like TakaraTomy Mall will be exclusively offering it to Japanese collectors.
This batch of photos might not show off anything particularly new or exciting versus the initial reveal a little while back, but this should represent a more recent production sample. As such, we can see that it looks like the unfortunate color mismatch problem seen on that first sample has been corrected; all the panels now show a much more consistent fluorescent highlighter yellow-green. Yes, that’s definitely a real color, because I just said it was.
While it’s probably not pertinent to the overwhelming majority of our audience, TakaraTomy Mall, for the record, will be offering ratchet for ¥22,000 (including sales tax) and it’s expected to ship in Japan late December of this year.
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