It’s better than a silhouette, anyway.
Figure King Magazine issue 270 featured a first look preview of TakaraTomy’s new Masterpiece Starscream now in development. In page images shared by Chi Wang on the TFND Facebook group we can see that this preview took the form of design lineart, rather than a prototype or even normal computer model. It’s a start, and it does give us some point of reference for examining where TakaraTomy is heading with this long-anticipated project. Internally, TakaraTomy is addressing this Starscream as the Masterpiece version 2.0, although it will be the third iteration to be sold. However, with the previous Starscream update being an extensive remodel of the original MP Starscream, it’s understandable that they might not consider that its own full version. Or maybe they just want everyone to forget the first pass which was a very reimagined take on the character and far outside the current scope of Masterpiece.
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