Get it now before it crumbles to dust!
The third installment for Transformers Tuesdays and its parade of Generations Selects reveals crosses another entry off of the rumored list from early this year. Debuting today was WFC-GS22 Black Roritchi, a redeco of Earthrise Fasttrack based off of the version of Fasttrack that came with Black Zarak. Quite infamously, the original Roritchi was composed entirely of gold plastic, and so like various parts of Black Zarak itself, threatens to spontaneously crumble to dust and blow away in the breeze. Selects Black Roritchi is also predominantly gold, making this new toy absolutely frightening to all of us who still can’t trust that new gold plastic is a more stable formulation than what came before it.
Despite all wishful thinking, it seems unlikely that a Generations Black Zarak would be something we should expect. That makes Black Roritchi’s place in Selects a bit of an odd one, even as obligatory mold reuse goes. But, if you want to follow the example of Masterforce, Black Zarak is not entirely necessary. In that instance, Fasttracks were called Guardminders, and served as basic generic troops, with a gold one being the leader. It seems more likely that this depiction provided the inspiration for including Black Roritchi in the line, rather than potentially hinting at a Scorponok retool to come.
Black Roritchi is available now to preorder via fan channel retailers including Hasbro Pulse, with delivery expected in November or December, depending where you order from.
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