I hope you like movie toys!
May 2021 Fan First Friday Reveals
50% First Looks! Amazing!
TakaraTomy Generations Selects Dinobot Boxset
The TakaraTomy Mall exclusive set was revealed in the early Monday morning hours.
Transform Squadron 003 – Don’t bring a knife to a submarine fight
In this November 2018 edition of Transform Squadron: Rob talks up Gridman and upcoming Hasbro Zoids and Micronauts lines before looking back at the Walmart Dinobots.
Radio Free Cybertron 536 – HasConcluded
This week on Radio Free: HasCon is over and we’re back home. We spend much of the show recapping and sharing our thoughts of Hasbro’s first convention. Did it match our expectations? Besides all of the news coming out of HasCon, we have new information from Takara-Tomy on G2 Megatron, finally! Also on the show…
Radio Free Cybertron – 529: What’s left for HASCON, NYCC, and Toy Fair 2018?
This week on Radio Free Cybertron: As you may or may not be aware, this was a pretty eventful week in the world of Hasbro and Transformers. We talk about the phenomenal news of a likely upcoming Titan Master Arcee! Is the lifelong dream of Headmaster Don finally becoming reality? We discuss what this news…
The Emergency RFC Power of the Primes Leakcast!
On this RFC special, Chris, Matt, Diecast, Headmaster Don and Jason sit down on July 24, 2017 for ANOTHER emergency podcast session to discuss the ginormous Power of the Primes leak that leaked what looks like almost everything Power of the Primes for the next year. If true, that means we’re getting a Titan Class…