This year’s volume of Hero-X’s Transformers Generations book has a special treat inside: images giving first looks at the recently revealed Masterpiece Skyfire, and Shouki from the in-development Raiden Masterpiece project.
Skyfire is seen in physical form, though in a very early stage prototype. This model is made for the purposes of working out basic design elements, including overall size, proportion of parts, and that kind of development steps. It’s notably lacking any of the surface detailing a later stage or final model would possess, but all of that will come in successive iterations. We actually saw a similar stage prototype for the “2.0” Starscream during its development track. Skyfire uses MP-10 Optimus as a point of comparison, and is a heck of a lot bigger. This one’s gonna cost for sure.
On the same page, our first look at one of the Trainbots in the form of a CAD model of Shouki. This implies that the Raiden project is a little farther back on the timeline, but it’s nice to see proof that it’s being worked on. There’s not a lot to tell from this image. The stage at which the snapshot was taken depicts Shouki with hinged, poseable fingers, but nothing else stands out about the design. And of course there’s nothing to use as a reference to derive scale from.
Raiden might be a little while off yet, but it’s a good chance we might start seeing Skyfire turning up in a Figure King feature or two in the pretty near future as it inches towards a finished state. But woe be all the collectors when the prices for these are finally determined and announced…
Thanks to Chris QQ on Twitter for providing the image.
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