This week: Legacy Black Convoy (sorta), new G-Shock watches that you probably won’t import, and rubber duckies.
Radio Free Cybertron 780 – Don’s Head II
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
This week: Legacy Black Convoy (sorta), new G-Shock watches that you probably won’t import, and rubber duckies.
By Brian Kilby
This month, Rob talks about the days of zines, going into summer and into the Halloween season, buying Beast Wars toys on clearance back in the day, and at some point, the power goes out.
By Brian Kilby
This week: We catch up on the latest from Hasbro, including updates on Victory Saber, Wreck’N’Rule, and more.
By Brian Kilby
This week: We’re Wrecking and Ruling with LEGO. Also: Masterpiece Trailbreaker, Studio Series Arcee, and more!
By Brian Kilby
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