In this episode: Ultimetal Megatron resurfaces, so does Beast Wars as an IDW comic, new photos of Unicron are out there, and Don rolls a nat 20.
Radio Free Cybertron 676 – DONgeons and Dragons
By Brian Kilby
By Brian Kilby
In this episode: Ultimetal Megatron resurfaces, so does Beast Wars as an IDW comic, new photos of Unicron are out there, and Don rolls a nat 20.
By Brian Kilby
This week: Sleep Mode Optimus Prime. Brian hates it, but he’s still going to buy it. Also: God Neptune, Netflix Cheetor, My Little Prime, and so much more!
By Brian Kilby
This week: Now we’re getting God Neptune? Awesome! Also, we discuss the Unicron update, and our old pal Zob discovers some tantalizing hints at possible upcoming WFC Netflix Deluxes!
By Brian Kilby
This week: MP-39+ Spinout looks AMAZING, interesting information coming out of the Earth Mode two-pack from Earthrise, and we are supposedly getting a new live-action movie in June 2022. Okay.
By Brian Kilby
This week: A new Transformers animated movie is on the way, but maybe not what you want. Also on the show, how Covid19 is impacting upcoming conventions and everyday life.
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